Thursday, December 6, 2007

Creation of self portraits have begun! The above image is an example of one collaborative beginning point designed by one of the participants. Under the participant's instruction I have created this photoshoped image. ( Participants are asked to begin with a photo of themselves, though persons with strong convictions against this will included in the project and will begin with other starting points.) The above image will be printed out at 20" x 30" and given to the subject to continue altering. The above participant has agreed to have the steps in creation of their work shared online to better illustrate our working process. I have also invited them to share their thoughts on this process and the meaning of the symbolism in their work.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Two self-portraits are underway

I have begun working with two wonderful students from UNC -Chapel Hill to create their self-portraits. Our last meeting where we discussed what they wish to relate to the viewer has given us a clear direction to work. I have been struck at the enthusiasm and careful consideration these students are giving this project. Friends, they have been honest observers and commentators of each other. Our conversations have revealed their desire to honor their faith, their family traditions, and to make the world a better place. Their search for a way to bridge the non-Muslim and Muslim world is sincere and earnest while at times seeming to pull them in opposing directions. With their permission, I will post their works in progress.